i know you can't help but grin when you see Kim in her undies...
it's quite hilarious actually... she looks like an Ah Meng wearing undies.
she truly hates wearing them. she'll hide in a corner or sneak under the couch
to try to yank the undies off!
Let's try to be nice to her to tide her over this tough period of time.
Muah hahahah!!! *the owner hids under a blanket to muffle her laughs*
no lah,just that i got no time to go out on weekdays,weekends r fine :)
trying to go out lesser to save $$
i got tons of things i would like to have...
so no more clothes for me...i prefer other things now..wahha
;like food as always
Kimmie u shd buy some red underpants! They suit u better than green! - Fashion Police
eh...The Owner bought me 7 underpants all of different colours. there are days of the week printed on those stuff. it was thursday when The Owner took those humiliating pics and thursday was Green underpants day.
PS: i dont fancy any of those underpants... gRrrrr...
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